Jumat, 26 Juli 2013


Lagi mau cerita panjaaang. I even prepared some pictures for this. Actually, this trip was held about 4 months ago, but it is still worth to share.
Seriously, I am in love with all the ethnic that exsist in Bali. Deeply in love.

 I did forget the story behind this relief. Maybe, about Rama and Shinta? *narsis sebut nama sendiri* Anyone knows?

 Take a look at those statue. Purrrfect. Sekilas, ukurannya terlihat normal. Do you wanna know its real size?

me, mom, sally
 After some trial, my mom’s friend who took this can’t even reach a whole statue in one picture together. Once I saw this statue, it is only one word comes. BIG. But big is beautiful, isn’t it? So it is.

Somehow I wonder, where is this statue lookin’ at? Or who?
Here is still around those location. I think i can jump higher, but none of picture captured it perfectly *PUHA* But this is high enough, I do look like flying, rite?

Awee! The frogs are peeping!
Honestly, they look like frogs who hide behind the wall*laughs* 

I love my sister’s smile in here. Ngga sebanding sama batu-batu tajam yang melatari senyumannya *okesip*
When the sunset comes, we are going to watch Kecak dance. There was full with people! Kecak dance is a story about Rama and Shinta. And Brahmana. And else. I got a paper which have a full story, but I’d lost it already 

She is very pretty, especially her long skirt. Pink! Those kind of ethnic skirt, aweee~
Oiya, baru tahu. Bali isnt only pretty by its beaches but also mountain and all. Dan saya baru tahu kalau Bali ngga cuma punya pantai *blushes*

greenday. LOL
Trust me, it was cold there. Seriously cold. Rain was fall in that time, membuat suhu turun sekian derajat lagi. Wew.
pretty, isn't it?
pura in Bedugul
Aaand, the most famous place at Bali : Tanah Lot! I’ve been here too many times, LOL. So that I took only few captures. And there is no one of my picture, because nobody wants to take it for me T.T so here is my pretty little sister~

And for the last day, me and my family decided to go to Kuta Beach in the early morning, to see sunrise. Or –at least-, jogging bule. But there was no good-looking one passed by. So? We (It is only me and my lil sis, actually) were bored.
moron sista
But still, we were have fun there. I love beach too much, and it makes me feel so much happy. I love Bali, indeed! One day, I will come here again. Soon.

ps : all the pictures here are belong to me. was taken by me. so? nope, I just wanna let you know.. :p

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